Are Your Wheel Bearings on Borrowed Time? Find Out Now!

A wheel bearing can last for 100,000 miles or even more after it starts making noise. However, it’s risky to drive with a noisy wheel bearing as it may fail anytime, causing severe safety risks, such as suspension or steering failure, loss of control, or even a crash.

Wheel bearings are crucial components of your vehicle’s wheel assembly, and they carry the wheel’s weight and enable it to spin smoothly. They also help to reduce friction between the tire and the axle, ensuring optimal performance, safety, and handling.

However, over time, wheel bearings wear out due to frequent use, high temperatures, moisture, dirt, and other factors. When a wheel bearing starts making noise, it’s an indication that it’s worn out and needs replacement. Neglecting to replace a noisy wheel bearing can cause significant damage to your vehicle and put your safety at risk. Therefore, it’s best to get it fixed as soon as possible to avoid costly repairs and accidents.

Are Your Wheel Bearings on Borrowed Time? Find Out Now!


What Are Wheel Bearings And Why Are They So Important?

Definition Of Wheel Bearings

Have you ever wondered what those circular objects situated in the middle of your vehicle’s wheels do? Well, they are known as wheel bearings, and they help your wheels spin smoothly and efficiently. To put it simply, wheel bearings are small steel balls that are encased in a metal ring, which is then installed inside the wheel hub.

Here are some key points to note regarding wheel bearings:

  • They are an essential part of your vehicle’s suspension system.
  • Wheel bearings are designed to reduce friction and regulate the movement of your wheels.
  • They allow your wheels to spin with significantly less resistance.
  • Wheel bearings are usually lubricated with high-temperature grease that can withstand the heat emitted by the wheels.

Functions Of Wheel Bearings In A Vehicle

Now that we understand what wheel bearings are let’s explore their functions in a vehicle.

Here are some of the primary functions of wheel bearings:

  • They support the weight of your vehicle while also absorbing the lateral and axial forces that occur when the wheels turn.
  • Wheel bearings regulate the movement of your wheels. They ensure that your wheels smoothly rotate with minimal resistance, which enables your vehicle to achieve an optimum level of performance.
  • They help prevent wear and tear on your wheels and tires while also ensuring that your vehicle remains stable.

Why It Is Important To Keep Your Wheel Bearings In Good State?

Maintaining your vehicle’s wheel bearings in good condition is crucial because any damage to the wheel bearings can result in more significant problems.

Here are some reasons why it is essential to keep your wheel bearings in good state:

  • Neglecting wheel bearings can cause your wheels to wobble or waver, which can lead to accidents on the road.
  • Damaged wheel bearings can lead to an increased level of friction, which will make it harder for your vehicle to move forward.
  • In the long run, repairing or replacing damaged wheel bearings can be expensive.

To keep your wheel bearings in excellent condition, it is essential to follow these best practices:

  • Regularly clean and lubricate your wheel bearings.
  • Avoid overloading your vehicle, which can put excessive pressure on the bearings.
  • Drive attentively and avoid potholes and bumps that can damage your bearings.

Wheel bearings are a vital part of your vehicle’s suspension system, and they play a significant role in ensuring that your vehicle is safe and performing optimally. By following the best practices mentioned, you will be able to maintain your vehicle’s wheel bearings in good condition, which will help ensure that your vehicle keeps running smoothly.

How To Know When Your Wheel Bearings Are Failing

It’s essential to know when your wheel bearings are failing. If you don’t address the problem quickly, it can lead to dangerous situations, such as wheel separations while driving on the road. In this section, we’ll discuss the signs of failing wheel bearings and the importance of regular maintenance checks.

Signs Of Failing Wheel Bearings

  • A loud noise coming from the wheels
  • A rough feeling while driving
  • Uneven tire wear
  • The steering wheel feels loose
  • The car pulls to one side

If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to take your car in for a check-up. Failing to do so can lead to costly repairs or even put your safety on the line. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Importance Of Regular Maintenance Checks

Regular maintenance checks can help prevent wheel bearing failure. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Wheel bearings need to be lubricated regularly
  • Regular inspections can help identify issues before they become major problems
  • Any issues should be addressed immediately to prevent further damage

By taking care of your car regularly, you can save yourself time and money in the long run. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

Understanding the signs of failing wheel bearings and the importance of regular maintenance checks can help keep your car running smoothly. If you notice anything unusual with your car, don’t hesitate to take it to a professional for inspection. Taking care of small problems early on can save you from major complications down the line.

Causes Of Wheel Bearing Failure

Common Causes Of Wheel Bearing Failure

Wheel bearings are an essential part of the suspension system, enabling your car to run smoothly. However, like everything else, they are prone to wear and tear, which leads to failure. Here are some of the common causes of wheel bearing failure:

  • Lack of lubrication: Wheel bearings require proper lubrication to prevent metal-to-metal contact and damage due to friction. Lack of lubrication can cause the bearing to heat up and wear out too quickly.
  • Overloading: Overloading your car with too much weight can cause excessive pressure on the wheel bearings. This pressure can cause the bearings to wear out more quickly.
  • Incorrect installation: If wheel bearings are not installed correctly, they can result in uneven distribution of weight on the wheels. This uneven distribution can cause too much pressure on the bearing, leading to early failure.
  • Water damage: If you’re driving through water and the wheel bearings come into contact with it, the water can affect the bearing seal, causing damage.

Preventive Measures Against Wheel Bearing Failure

Now that you know some of the common causes of wheel bearing failure, how can you prevent it from happening? Here are some preventive measures to ensure your wheel bearings last longer:

  • Regular maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential for the longevity of your car’s suspension system. Get your car checked regularly for any signs of wear and tear.
  • Proper lubrication: Proper lubrication is crucial to the performance of your wheel bearings. Make sure they are adequately lubricated, and the lubrication is within the manufacturer’s recommended levels.
  • Avoid overloading: Overloading your car can cause excessive pressure on the wheel bearings. Avoid filling your car with too much weight beyond the recommended limits.
  • Correct installation: Proper installation of wheel bearings is essential to their longevity. Ensure that they are installed correctly by a certified mechanic.
  • Avoid driving through water: It’s best to avoid driving through water, especially if it’s too deep. If you must drive through water, ensure that your bearings are adequately protected or avoid it altogether.

Wheel bearings are crucial components of your car’s suspension system. Knowing the common causes of their wear and tear can help you take preventive measures to keep them in top condition for longer. Regular maintenance, proper lubrication, avoiding overloading, correct installation and avoiding water are some of the ways to prevent wheel bearing failure.

The Consequences Of Ignoring Wheel Bearing Issues

It’s crucial to keep your car’s wheel bearings in good working order. In fact, when these components start to fail, they can cause serious safety concerns. Unfortunately, many drivers tend to ignore wheel bearing problems, which can result in disastrous consequences.

Dangers Of Ignoring Wheel Bearing Issues

Ignoring wheel bearing problems can lead to several dangers, including:

  • Loss of control: Worn-out wheel bearings can cause a loss of steering ability, making it harder to control your vehicle.
  • Accidents: Wheel bearings that malfunction can cause your wheel to lock up, which can be extremely dangerous and even lead to accidents.
  • Damage to other parts: When wheel bearings fail, they can cause significant damage to the wheels, tires, brakes, and other components. Replacing these parts can cost a lot of money.

Potential Costs Of Repairs And Replacements

When it comes to fixing wheel bearings, the costs can quickly add up. Here are some potential costs of repairing or replacing wheel bearings:

  • Labor costs: The cost of replacing a wheel bearing can vary, but the labor costs alone can start at around $100 or more per hour.
  • Parts costs: Wheel bearings can range in price from $20 to $150 per piece, depending on the make and model of your vehicle.
  • Additional repairs: If your wheel bearings have caused further damage to other parts, you may need to spend money on additional repairs or replacements. This can add up quickly and become a significant expense.

Overall, ignoring wheel bearing problems can lead to significant dangers and costly repairs. Therefore, it’s essential to pay close attention to any strange sounds or vibrations coming from your vehicle and have them checked out by a professional mechanic as soon as possible.

How To Replace A Worn-Out Wheel Bearing

Replacing a worn-out wheel bearing can be quite challenging, especially for someone with little experience in car maintenance. However, with a step-by-step guide, the process can be straightforward. Here’s how:

  • Put on safety gear, jack up the car, and secure it on a jack stand.
  • Remove the wheel assembly and caliper.
  • Remove the old wheel bearing using a hammer or puller.
  • Clean the hub surface and spindle with brake cleaner.
  • Press the new bearing into the hub using a press tool.
  • Reinstall the caliper, wheel assembly, and wheel.

Common Mistakes To Avoid During The Replacement Process

While replacing a worn-out wheel bearing seems simple enough, there are some pitfalls to watch out for. Here are some common mistakes to avoid during the replacement process:

  • Not following safety precautions: Wear safety gear and never rely solely on a jack to hold your car in place.
  • Misidentifying the problem: Make sure the noise is indeed coming from the wheel bearing before replacing it.
  • Installing the wrong bearing: Using the incorrect size or type of bearing can lead to further damage.
  • Improperly cleaning the hub surface and spindle: Any residual debris can affect the new bearing’s performance.
  • Not pressing the new bearing in correctly: This can cause the bearing to fail prematurely and even damage other parts.

Remember, if you feel unsure about the process, it’s always best to seek professional help.

Step-By-Step Guide To Replacing A Wheel Bearing

Replacing a wheel bearing might seem like a daunting task, but it can be done with the right tools and instructions. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you replace a wheel bearing:

  • Start by jacking up the car and securing it on a jack stand.
  • Remove the wheel assembly and caliper, making sure to suspend the caliper with a wire or string to avoid strain on the brake hose.
  • Mark the relative position of the hub and spindle before removing the old wheel bearing. This will help ensure proper alignment when installing the new one.
  • Remove the old bearing using a hammer or puller tool.
  • Use brake cleaner to clean the hub surface and spindle thoroughly.
  • Carefully press the new wheel bearing into the hub using a press tool.
  • Reinstall the caliper and wheel assembly, then lower the car off the jack stand.
  • Take the car for a test drive to ensure the new bearing is working correctly and there are no more strange noises.

With this guide, you should be able to replace your worn-out wheel bearing in no time.

Remember, regular maintenance and inspection can help extend the life of your wheel bearings, ensuring a safer and smoother ride.

Frequently Asked Questions For How Long Will A Wheel Bearing Last After It Starts Making Noise?

How Long Can I Drive On A Bad Wheel Bearing?

Driving on a bad wheel bearing is not safe. Get it fixed immediately.

Can I Still Drive With A Noisy Wheel Bearing?

Yes, but it’s not recommended. Get it fixed as soon as possible.

What Happens If A Wheel Bearing Breaks While Driving?

A broken wheel bearing can cause the wheel to fall off while driving, which is extremely dangerous.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Wheel Bearing?

The cost differs by car model, but it averages $300 to $500 per wheel.

How Do I Know If My Wheel Bearings Are Going Bad?

Listen out for unusual noises while driving, vibrations, or steering wheel looseness.

How Long Should Wheel Bearings Last?

Typically, wheel bearings last 136,000 to 160,000 km before needing replacement.

How To Maintain Wheel Bearings For A Longer Lifespan?

Check regularly for strange sounds, keep them properly lubricated, and avoid rough roads and overloading.


When your wheel bearings start making noise, it’s best to get them checked out by a mechanic as soon as possible. The lifespan of a noisy wheel bearing can be difficult to predict, as it depends on a variety of factors such as the severity of the damage, how long it was making noise before being inspected, and the type and quality of the replacement parts used.

However, waiting too long to have a noisy wheel bearing replaced can lead to further damage and safety risks, such as a wheel coming loose while driving. It’s important to prioritize your safety and the health of your vehicle by addressing any strange noises or vibrations as soon as they arise.

By staying proactive and taking care of your car’s regular maintenance, you can help extend the lifespan of your wheel bearings and ensure a smooth and safe driving experience.