Identifying The Manufacturer Of Honda Oem Brake Pads

If you need to replace the brake pads on your Honda, you may be wondering if you should buy OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts or aftermarket parts. While aftermarket parts may be cheaper, they may not be of the same quality as OEM parts. So how can you tell if you’re buying OEM brake pads?

There are a few things to look for when you’re trying to identify OEM brake pads. First, check the packaging. OEM parts will typically be packaged in plain, brown boxes with the Honda logo. Aftermarket parts may be packaged in brightly colored boxes with pictures of the product.

Next, take a look at the brake pads themselves. OEM brake pads will have the Honda logo on them, while aftermarket pads will not. Finally, check the price. OEM brake pads are typically more expensive than aftermarket pads.

If you’re still not sure, you can always ask the salesperson at the auto parts store. They should be able to tell you if the pads are OEM or aftermarket.

What Are The Identifying Characteristics Of Honda OEM Brake Pads?

What Are The Identifying Characteristics Of Honda OEM Brake Pads?
When looking for replacement brake pads for your Honda, it is important to choose those that are OEM, or original equipment manufacturer. These are the pads that were specifically designed for your vehicle model, and as such, will fit and perform the best. In addition, OEM brake pads are made to the highest quality standards and will last longer than aftermarket pads. Here are some other identifying characteristics of OEM Honda brake pads:

1. They will have the Honda logo.
2. The part number will start with 43022.
3. They will be made of a semi-metallic or ceramic material.
4. The front pads will be approximately 4.5 inches by 2.75 inches.
5. The rear pads will be approximately 4.25 inches by 2.4 inches.

If you’re unsure whether a particular set of brake pads is OEM or not, you can always ask the seller or check the product listing. When in doubt, it’s better to err on the side of caution and choose the OEM option to be safe.

How Can You Tell If A Brake Pad Is OEM Or Aftermarket?

It’s important to know whether your brake pads are OEM or aftermarket for a few reasons. Aftermarket brake pads may not fit as snugly in your brake caliper, which could lead to vibration and premature wear. Additionally, aftermarket brake pads may not be made of the same high-quality materials as OEM pads, which could shorten their lifespan. Here’s how you can tell the difference:

1. Check the packaging. If the brake pads come in a white box with no branding, they’re likely aftermarket. OEM brake pads will usually be packaged in a branded box with the manufacturer’s logo.

2. Examine the brake pads themselves. Aftermarket brake pads are often made of cheaper materials, so they may not look as high-quality as OEM pads.

3. Compare the price. OEM brake pads are usually more expensive than aftermarket pads.

If you’re unsure whether your brake pads are OEM or aftermarket, it’s best to consult a professional.

Why Is It Important To Use OEM Brake Pads?

When it comes to your car, you want to make sure you’re using the best parts possible. That’s why it’s important to use OEM brake pads. OEM stands for “original equipment manufacturer.” This means that the brake pads were made specifically for your car model.

There are a few reasons why you should use OEM brake pads:

1. Fit: OEM brake pads are made to fit your car’s brake system perfectly. Aftermarket brake pads may not fit as well, which can lead to problems.

2. Quality: OEM brake pads are made to the same high standards as the original pads that came with your car. Aftermarket brake pads may not be made to the same standards, which could impact your safety.

3. Warranty: If something goes wrong with OEM brake pads, you may be covered by your car’s warranty. With aftermarket brake pads, you’re on your own.

4. Price: OEM brake pads may cost a bit more than aftermarket pads, but you’ll save money in the long run by avoiding problems and costly repairs.

If you care about your car, you’ll use OEM brake pads. It’s the best way to keep your car safe and running smoothly.

Where Can I Find The Manufacturer Information For My Brake Pads?

If you’re looking for manufacturer information on your brake pads, there are a few places you can check. The first is the brake pad itself. There should be a stamped logo or name on the pad that you can use to look up the manufacturer online.

If there’s no information on the brake pad, you can also check the vehicle’s owner’s manual. In most cases, the manufacturer information for the brake pads will be listed in the maintenance section.

If you still can’t find the manufacturer information, your best bet is to contact a local automotive parts store or dealer. They should be able to tell you who made the pads and provide you with any other information you need.

What Are The Consequences Of Using Aftermarket Brake Pads?

If you’re a car owner, you’ve probably been told at some point that you should only use OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts on your vehicle. This advice usually comes from your mechanic or a car dealership, and it’s usually in reference to something important – like your brakes. So,

What are the consequences of using aftermarket brake pads?

For one, aftermarket brake pads may not fit your car properly. This can lead to all sorts of problems, from your brakes not working as effectively to your brake rotors wearing down prematurely. Additionally, aftermarket brake pads may not be made from the same high-quality materials as OEM pads. This means they may not last as long, and they may not perform as well in extreme conditions.

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not you want to use aftermarket brake pads. However, if you do decide to go this route, just be aware of the potential consequences. And, if you have any doubts, it’s always best to consult with a professional.


In conclusion, if you are looking to identify the manufacturer of Honda OEM brake pads, it is important to first understand the different types of brake pads that are available. Once you have a good understanding of the different types of brake pads, you can then begin to narrow down your search by looking at specific features of the pads. By taking the time to understand the different types of brake pads and the features of each, you can ensure that you find the perfect fit for your Honda.

If you have any questions about identifying the manufacturer of Honda OEM brake pads, please leave a comment below.