Oil Change Faq: How Long Should You Wait Before Starting Your Car?

If you’ve just had your oil changed, you may be wondering how long you should wait before starting your car. Here are some things to keep in mind.

First, it’s important to know that modern engines are designed to start with little to no oil pressure. So, if you start your car immediately after an oil change, there’s no need to worry about damaging your engine.

That said, it’s always best to let your car’s oil get up to operating temperature before driving. This helps ensure that the oil is properly circulated and doing its job.

So, how long should you wait before starting your car after an oil change? It’s generally recommended to wait at least 5 minutes, though 10 minutes is even better.

Of course, if it’s cold outside, you may want to wait even longer to give your car’s oil a chance to warm up. This will help it flow more easily and do its job more effectively.

Keep these things in mind and you’ll be sure to get the most out of your oil change.

How Long Should You Wait Before Starting Your Car After An Oil Change?

How Long Should You Wait Before Starting Your Car After An Oil Change?

How long should you wait before starting your car after an oil change?

It’s generally recommended that you wait about five minutes after an oil change before starting your car. This gives the oil time to settle into the engine and start lubricating it. If you start the car too soon, the oil won’t have had a chance to do its job and your engine could be damaged.

Of course, if you’re in a hurry, you can start your car sooner than five minutes. Just be aware that your engine may not be properly lubricated and could be at risk of damage. If you can, it’s always best to give the oil a few minutes to do its job before starting your car.

What Happens If You Start Your Car Too Soon After An Oil Change?

If you start your car too soon after an oil change, the oil can’t circulate properly and can cause engine damage.

Is It Bad To Start Your Car Immediately After An Oil Change?

No, it’s not bad to start your car immediately after an oil change. In fact, it’s actually good for the car. Starting the car right after an oil change allows the oil to circulate and lubricate the engine parts. It also helps to prevent the oil from sludging.

How Long Does It Take For The Oil To Fully Circulate After An Oil Change?

How long does it take for the oil to fully circulate after an oil change?

The process of an oil change is actually quite simple. It just takes a little time for the oil to fully circulate after the change.

First, you’ll want to warm up your engine to help loosen the oil. This can be done by either driving your car for a few minutes, or by turning on the engine and letting it idle for a bit.

Next, locate the oil drain plug and loosen it with an oil wrench. Be careful not to over-tighten the plug, as this can strip the threads.

Once the plug is loosened, the oil will begin to drain out. Let it drain for a few minutes until the flow slows to a trickle.

Now, replace the oil drain plug and hand-tighten it. Again, be careful not to over-tighten.

Finally, add the new oil. The amount you’ll need will depend on your car’s make and model. Once the new oil is in, replace the oil fill cap and start the engine.

Let the engine run for a few minutes, then check the oil level with the dipstick. Add more oil if needed.

And that’s it! The whole process shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes or so.

What Should You Do If You Accidentally Start Your Car Before The Oil Has Had A Chance To Circulate?

If you accidentally start your car before the oil has had a chance to circulate, you should turn it off immediately and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, check the oil level and add more if necessary. Once the oil has had a chance to circulate, start the car again and drive as usual.


After an oil change, it is best to wait about 5-10 minutes before starting your car. This will give the oil time to properly lubricate the engine.

If you have any questions about how long you should wait to start your car after an oil change, feel free to leave a comment below.